Sunday 30 November 2014

Year 1 Strings Program.

Kindy had the students from Year 1 come and visit with their violins and cellos. They played a song for us and then we buddied up to take a close look. It was fun to be inspired for when it is our turn next year.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Kindy Christmas Play

Kindergarten had a fantastic time putting on our version of the Christmas play based on the story Wombat Devine by Mem Fox.

Fun in the Sun

This term kindergarten have been pretending to have some 'Fun in the Sun'.
We have pretended to go on a camping holiday and do some fun experiences on and around the beach
During this literacy unit we have read a number of beach related books such as Greetings From Sandy Beach by Bob Graham, Grandpa and Thomas by Pamela Allen, Magic Beach by Alison Lester and Looking for Crabs by Bruce Whatley. We have had some fun pretending around our campfire. In some of the photos below we are pretending to be rockpool creatures. 


Friday 24 October 2014

Kindergarten Excursion to Sydney Olympic Park.

This week Kindergarten went on their first excursion to Sydney Olympic Park. We were looking at the natural and built environments that we learnt about in HSIE last term. We had so much fun travelling on the bus and learning lots of new things.

 The first stop was exploring a forest environment with our magnifying glasses. We found some small creatures and some evidence of small creatures. We even saw a possum house. KC were also fantastic at finding objects (rubbish) that were not to be in the forrest and removing them.

We then went up in a tower and looked out over the park and saw the different features around us. We also saw the city in the distance. We were so brave going up so high.

We then visited the mangroves and learnt about the mangrove tree seeds and their life jackets. We looked at where animal might live here.

We then went into the study centre and meet some creatures that might be found in the area such as frogs, yabbies and crabs. The highlight was meeting Petal the long necked turtle. He really liked getting to know KC.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child Boxes

Here we are with the Christmas boxes that were made by our class. Thanks to all those who contributed something to go in the boxes. There will be some very happy children this Christmas when they receive one of these boxes. Also thanks to those families from KC who put together a box at home and bought it in. Thanks again, it has been great to give to those in need.